I’m Bryson Brown, General Manager of Battery Electric. We are a supply and service company to the oil field and utility business. We’d like to service you in the future.
The response is typically within hour, an hour to maybe a day, depending on what the application is. Sometimes we can walk the customer through over the phone how to patch up the system till we get there. We have up to six or seven service guys available that we can call, one of them can be available. Sometimes there could be six guys on the road at one particular site somewhere but we can always peel the guy off. Everybody always brings their tools.
So if we have an emergency job we can usually get a guy out pretty quick. We do have guys that do hang around Edmonton for quicker response for applications. So, typically a lot of our equipment doesn’t get a real Emergency Call-Out.
We get one once every two years that really needs a fast response. But typically, the next day or, or within a couple of hours or later that day, we usually have somebody out to them and service them and fix it up.
This article is a transcript of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co0HiiCBaeo on YouTube.