A battery backup solution can be anywhere from five minutes to, I think we’ve done up to seven days of backup. Now the seven day backup takes a lot of design and criteria to take into consideration because you can only draw out a battery for so long before it starts to sulfate inside. Which is basically a battery sulfates when a battery is discharged down to a point where it doesn’t have activity on that on the plate with the acid because it’s getting discharged too far that you have to get it down to a certain point that that doesn’t happen and then recharge.
So when we do that, we size so the battery doesn’t go down very far, but then you can actually bring it back. So that’s a pretty in-depth design criteria for batteries, but it can be done and we have done a seven day backup for a couple of clients of ours. Typically, they do like a seven day backup if it’s going on a offshore platform or we’ve done desert applications or even seven day applications for some solar applications such that you would see at the top of a mountain or something that would be gloomy a lot of the time. And they have to back that up.
So a winter application but typically anywhere from five minutes, all the way up to 72 hours to even five days. But that would be the typical time span for backup.
This article is a transcript of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGpEQZ2BlYw&feature=youtu.be on YouTube.