If you gonna spend this kind of money, but keep in mind battery banks and backup applications are always the last thing in the budget when it comes to equipment being supplied.
So for example, like say you’re building a switchgear building to supply to a gas plant. Well, that plant, that building is being built and designed with all the switchgear and air conditioning and HVAC and everything else, the last point of budget is the batteries and UPS. And that’s always the point where people forget to put the money in or forget to put the service and the time into. But that without that when the power goes down, that equipment all goes down. And people don’t realize how critical it is. So you wanna have your product or service, you wanna have the right product for the application, and you wanna know that it’s gonna work.
By dealing with a company like ours, you get somebody that is going to help you through the process that we’re going to tell you don’t buy the battery, when you first build the building. If it takes two years for that building to get the site and you bought the battery when they built the building, that battery could be two years old before you even hook it up.
At that point that battery is no good, it’s the most common problem we see now with all these modern buildings being built is that they give the contract to the building manufacturer, and then they give the contract to buy the batteries. And those batteries end up sitting, for like I said, anywhere from two to three years sometimes before they’re actually put into service. And at that point, those batteries are self-hating, and they’re no good. And then later on five years down the road, those batteries are no good, and people are like, why are batteries that are designed for 20 years won’t last than five? Well, they’re self-faded, there done, they we’re toast. To having the expertise of our company to that we can help the client make the best choice for them.
Sometimes, they don’t always make the best choice. Sometimes it’s based on price, because of budget which we understand, but we try to steer you in the direction of the product that works. We sell multiple different manufacturers, and multiple sizes depending on what your application is. And, for example, we just had a client where they ended up going with a product that was a 20 year design life. And they just hired us to come out and do a load test and the battery failed in five years.
It was a battery that was professionally installed. It was load tested prior to install. Passed 100% interPoly, actually probably did 95%. Five years later, did a load test didn’t even make a 50%, didn’t even make 50% on a little desk. If we look back on our emails, we recommended going with a different product. But because of budgetary that product was chosen, it was a lot less expensive. And or sometimes it’s also chosen to keep it the same as everything else. Well, that product might have been good 10, 15 years earlier, but that particular three to four or five years, it wasn’t very good. So we try to steer people to the products that actually work. That’s why battery electric sticks with the same brands and manufacturers that we’ve always have.
We’ve always had C&D, we’ve always had Enersys and or before Enersys it was a different company. But basically we stayed with those companies because that those products are always backed by their warranty. We’ve had really good success with them. We’ve been in business since 1972, So we wanna sell them higher quality products that last.
I like seeing products where I’m going into a site and I’m going in there and I’m like wow, these are 20 years old and they’re still working. That’s what I like to see. I like to be able to go in and have that customer happy and that product is running for 20 years because we are not going anywhere. We want to keep growing and we want to keep supplying high quality products that are gonna last for the design life that they are designed for.
This article is a transcript of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gC7Qeadp38&feature=youtu.be on YouTube.